شیر تست

شیر تست

Block and Bleed Valves

فروش انواع شیر تست block and bleed valves شیر انسداد و تخلیه استیل فولادی آلیاژی LF2-F11-F22  در کلاس 150 – 300 – 600 -900 1500-2500 -5000  از سایز “1/2 تا “4  اروپایی ژاپنی کره ای چینی آمریکایی برند های پارکر – گالبرتی  ……

شیر تست

 تامین تجهیزات صنایع نفت گاز و پتروشیمی وارد کننده انواع شیر تست  Block and Bleed Valves 

How does it work: Double Block-and-Bleed


There is a lot of misunderstanding surrounding the term double block-and-bleed (DBB) as used to describe valve functionality. It seems almost every valve buyer and manufacturer has a different idea of what the term means for valve selection, which can result in the wrong specifications or valve type. Some of this confusion in the oil and gas industry stems from the fact that there are two credible sources that define the term differently. “Another point of confusion comes when many people use the term double block-and-bleed when they really want a valve with capabilities of double isolation-and-bleed (DIB),” Ron Manson, Cameron’s Director of Applications Engineering, explains. These differences in definitions and terms are important when it comes to which valve capability to use in what type of system.

“Whenever a customer says they want DBB, it is mainly based on the application and their past experience with what they consider DBB valves to be,” says Mike Hintz, Cameron’s District Manager for Engineered & Process Valves. “Based on customers’ preferred valve type and application, we can then offer ball, gate, or expanding plug valve options with DBB capabilities.”

The most basic thing that a user is looking for when they specify a double block-and-bleed valve is a compact valve or valve system that provides more reliable isolation in critical areas than a standard, single valve would. This smaller system or single valve unit serves to reduce the installation footprint, saves on extra piping requirements, and reduces weight in critical areas. These all save space, time, and cost

مطالب مرتبط

سنسور pt100

سنسور PT100 چیست؟

سنسور pt۱۰۰ یکی از انواع  سنسورهای سنجش دما (سنسور های حرارتی  )  می باشد که در همه صنایع به وفور مورد استفاده قرار می گیرند، سنسور های سنجش دما  به صورت کلی RTD  نامیده می شوند،سنسورهای دما که سنسور pt۱۰۰ یکی از معروف ترین آنها می باشد و به( RTD resistance temperature detector) یا همان سنسورهای مقاومتی نام  گذاری شده است.

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